
Showing posts from January, 2018

Contemporary Media Regulation.

There are many different forms of media around the world such as, music videos, video games, films, magazines, news papers and tv programmes. In order for it to be safe for everyone to view, they need to be regulated, by higher authority such as the bbfc. Regulation is being  able to control what the audience sees and knowing if it is appropriate enough for the different ages. It is is important to regulate things in the media as it allows people to take necessary precautions when watching it and allows people to know the kind of content it carries. Music Videos include people that others view as role models and they begin to objectify them, Laura Mulvey's male gaze will apply as society will begin to objectify women and deem it as acceptable. Video games are also becoming more vivid, and it may be harder for vulnerable audience to see the difference between reality and highly vivid video games. in addition to this, films are also highly vivid, therefore distinguishing between r